Hachiko is the story about a man and His Dog, is a story about love, loyalty and friendship. Hachiko came to Parker's home because he found it on the street when he was a puppy, even though they did not want to keep staying with him finally. What most struck us was precisely the issue of loyalty to Parker Hachi. Since coming to the house had a special connection with him. A friend of Parker explained that the Akita breed dogs were very loyal to their masters, and they created a special bond with them. This loyalty is demonstrated by Hachiko Parker to accompany the train station and then just wait day after day on the platform of the train while it worked.
Even after the death of Parker Hachiko continued to show good faith in going to wait to exit the train, hoping to return someday. Nobody knew where it came from, but during the day remained in the train station, all in the same place, waiting for his master out of the train. She waited for over 9 years.
Over time, even all the people who worked at the station, or frequented knew him loved him and took care of him (Parker's death, Hachi had gone to live with the professor's daughter, but after one time she let him go because he realizes that what was needed Hachi waiting for his true love).
Furthermore we think that loyalty was reciprocal because at the end of the movie is shown (according to our interpretation) that Hachi died in the season, then he meets his ove again :D
We like the idea that this is a true story, and that makes us think that loyalty to such a point there! In addition both have or had pets :D