domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Why is Alberto Hurtado so important in Chile?

I think that father Hurtado is one of the most important chilean that existed, principally because hi was a very, very good man, he was selfless and he devoted his life to help the other in the name of God.
Also is one of our saints!! I remember that Juan Pablo II wanted canonize him.
The most important thing that Alberto Hurtado did was ‘’El hogar de Cristo’’ he thought in needy people and he devised a way to help them, the best thing is that this institution not only think about kids or old man, el hogar de Cristo think in everybody :)
A lot of Christmas me and my family have gone to leave gifts, in general we carry one for girl, one for boy and one for an old man or old woman.
Is not about father Alberto Hurtado we didn’t have this opportunity :D

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